Lomi Lomi
When the Polynesians came to Hawaii, around 1000 years ago, they brought with them the ancient knowledge of their healers. This knowledge was passed on to the islanders who held it in high regard. Each family group adopted their own variations which developed into what is now called Lomi Lomi
Lomi lomi means massage or ‘to shift’, which may be translated by many into a variety of styles and techniques. Hawaiian healing is a tradition that is handed down for generations to family (‘ohana) and varies among islands and families, many of which are still secret. This is what differentiates this traditional form from contemporary and other styles of massage; the essence of a culture of healing as opposed to simply a technique
Since ancient times, before entering a new and important phase of life, Hawaiians have traditionally gone to therapists (Kahunas), to relive their fears, tension and egocentric perceptions with the help of Lomi Lomi. They want to reach a state of physical, mental and spiritual cleansing and healing. The body is known to have it’s own soul, and its own consciousness. It stores all memories, accumulated tension and pain. The role of a Lomi Lomi practitioner is to remove anything that blocks the individual’s ability to live up to their full potential through the massage. They are considered to be a clear channel of a higher power. The effective practitioner has to be intuitive and devoted
The practice
In this unique flowing style bodywork the practitioner uses long, fluid rhythmic strokes over the whole body with the hands, fingers, forearms and elbows. The practitioner moves around the table in a dance like movement applying soft and deep tissue massage. The rhythm is very relaxing. The strokes sometimes goes all the way from the neck down to the foot. It works gently but deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes, totally nurturing the body and, enabling the recipient to relax, give in and simply be
The massage goes as deep as the recipient can tolerate, so it can be very powerful. Hawaiians believe that negative energy can cause blockages in your ‘mana’ (life force or spiritual power). These blockages can become trapped in joints, so various stretches and rotations are performed during the massage to ‘release’ these negative energies. The massage is fluid, rhythmical, communicative and nurturing which evokes trust with the patient
Most massage techniques work only on the physical level. Lomi lomi massage is not just a physical experience, but, according to practitioners, also facilitates healing on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels
On a physical level: It increases circulation and lymphatic drainage, ridding the body of toxins. Transverse strokes and stretches relax ticht, tense muscles. Deep tissue work breaks up muscular adhesions that restrict motion. It can reduce pain and tension in the nervous system. Stretches and rotations improve the elasticity of tendons and increase mobility. Relaignment of muscles, bones and tissue ensures a complete therapheutic treatment. It’s beneficial for a number of conditions, such as restricted movemeny, sport injusries, work-related tension, stress, everyday aches and pains, depression and insomnia
On an emotional level: The nervous system and the senses or awareness are tuned. Lomi lomi may also release old family memories, stress and trauma locked away in the subconscious mind
On a spiritual level: You achieve harmony between the body, mind and soul through energy activated in the body
Four Handed Lomi Lomi Nui
Administered by two experienced and devoted massage therapists. It’s hard to describe the deepness of what it gives. It provides pure comfort, while increasing (doubling!) the wonderful effects of Lomi lomi. According to devotees you’ll feel totally re-charged, relaxed and rejuvenated. Your aches and pains will be lifted away, your circulation improved, your stress levels lowered, your soul relieved and your mind clearer!
Can’t be bad!
For lomi lomi massages in the UK click here
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